About Me

Web and Mobile App Developer

JavaScript TypeScript Vue.js Vuetify Vuex Nuxt.js Quasar Flutter Dart MS-SQL C# SQLite PostgreSQL MongoDB Firebase
JavaScript and JavaScript Frameworks
I have over three years of experience using JavaScript and JavaScript frameworks. I built this site using Nuxt.js and Vuetify. I also built the first version of the Roundslogging app with the Quasar framework, which uses Vue.js. I have recently been rebuilding the GPX app (see blog posts) with Vue, Electron, and TypeScript. I use Electron and the Ember framework at my current job.
Flutter and Dart
I wrote the Password Manager app using Flutter. I really enjoyed working with Flutter. If I ever go back to mobile development, I would like to use it instead of Cordova or other options.
Backend and Databases
Data for Roundslogging is stored in a MS-SQL database, with routes written in C#. While I wouldn't call myself a "C# Developer", I use it as needed for connecting to the MS-SQL database. The app uses SQLite to manage data locally. I have also used PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Firebase on some small personal projects.

Scientist and Researcher

Population Genetics Botany Environmental Health Chemistry
Peer-Reviewed Publications
I have published articles in regional and international journals on the topics of plant population genetics, fungal ecology, and even co-authored a book chapter on genetic engineering of human liver cells.
PhD, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
My dissertation project focused on hybridization and population genetic analyses in a group of rare plants found in the southeastern United States. I designed the project and perfomed the fieldwork and analyses. This project resulted in two papers published in the American Journal of Botany.
M.S., Biology
I studied an extremely rare plant found on a single island in southern California. My research examined genetics of remaining populations and resulted in conservation recommendations for protecting this endangered species.
B.S., Environmental Health
My undergraduate degree covered public health and environmental science, with a strong focus on chemistry.


Science Public Health Environmental Health Botany Genetics
Assistant Professor of Botany, Lincoln Memorial University
I taught at LMU for five years. I taught genetics, botany, field botany, and other undergraduate courses. I developed the Botany and Field Botany courses from the ground up. I also developed a course on Scientific Writing. I founded the LMU Herbarium, and guided several undergraduate students' research projects.
Teaching Assistant, University of Tennessee
During my time as a PhD student, I taught botany and genetics labs. I also co-taught an upper level course on Science and Society.
Environmental Health Officer, U.S. Public Health Service
I served six years in the U.S. Public Health Service. I was assigned to the Yankton Sioux Service Unit in South Dakota. I advised the tribe on matters related to public and environmental health, performed health and safety inspections, and served as Interim Information Technology Specialist for the Wagner Indian Health Service Hospital.